Schnelle Pflanzen @ W wie Wissen
14. Juni 2021 von OS
Der ARD-Beitrag „Schnelle Pflanzen“ in W wie Wissen stellt die Forschung der Plant Biomechanics Group Freiburg zum Thema Pflanzenbewegungen und Bionik vor. >> zum Beitrag
14. Juni 2021 von OS
Der ARD-Beitrag „Schnelle Pflanzen“ in W wie Wissen stellt die Forschung der Plant Biomechanics Group Freiburg zum Thema Pflanzenbewegungen und Bionik vor. >> zum Beitrag
3. Mai 2021 von OS
Thomas Becker vom MDR Thüringen führte ein Interview mit Prof. Thomas Speck (Universität Freiburg) zum Thema „Lernen vom Efeu heißt klettern lernen“. >>mehr
3. Mai 2021 von OS
The internal think tank of ESA, Advanced Concept Team, is looking for a research fellow (PostDoc) in biomimetics. >> Job description
21. April 2021 von OS
Some Special Issues with a focus on biomechanics and biomimetics are open for submission:
25. März 2021 von OS
Falk Tauber and Barry W Fitzgerald have written a paper about „How to build a synthetic digestive system for Marvel’s Vision“ in the Journal Superhero Science and Technology.
10. März 2021 von OS
The livMats Cluster of Excellence is offering a PhD position:
22. November 2020 von OS
The Field Museum, Chicago, shows the exibition „The Machine Inside: Biomechanics“. In this exhibition, meet scientists who investigate these plants and animals …more
2. November 2020 von OS
Tiffany Cheng was awarded the 2nd Best Poster Prize by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation at Forschungstag 2020. The poster summarizes her work in the framework of the project „4DmultiMATS – Personalised 3D-and 4D-printing of programmable and self-adjusting multifunctional material systems for sports and medical applications“, which was conducted in collaboration between the Universities of Freiburg und Stuttgart (both members of the Baden-Württemberg Network of Competence „Biomimetics“). >>more
10. Oktober 2020 von OS
The Lab Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM) offers in the field Materials Informatics – data-driven approaches for materials research a position as Research Associate / Group Leader. The DCIM is focused on novel materials which, as a central component of intelligent systems, feel, think and act autonomously through integrated sensory and actuator functionalities. >>Job description
7. Oktober 2020 von OS
Some Special Issues with a focus on biomechanics and biomimetics are open for submission: