
Ideenforum Bionicum @ Nürnberg

Das Bionicum, ein beliebter Lernort imTiergarten Nürnberg, veranstaltet am 13. Februar 2020 eine Veranstaltung für Schüler*innen und alle an der Bionik Interessierten. >>Anmeldung

Bionik @ TV – Wissen kompakt

Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck (Botanischer Garten der Universität Freiburg) berichtet in einem Arte-Beitrag (Wissen kompakt) über selbstreparierende Dichtungsringe nach dem Vorbild der Wundversiegelung bei der Birkenfeige (Ficus benjamina).  Der Beitragwird im Internet vom 17.01.2020 bis 31.03.2021 bereitgestellt. >> hier ansehen (6 min)

Call for Workshops

Living Machines is holding its 9th conference in Freiburg, Germany on the 28.-31. July 2020.This international conference is targeted at the intersection of research on novel life-like technologies inspired by the scientific investigation of biological systems—biomimetics, and research that seeks to interface biological and artificial systems to create biohybrid systems. We seek to highlight the most exciting international research in both of these fields united by theme of “Living Machines”.

We are organizing a one-day satellite event, such as workshops, symposia or tutorials, to be held on 28th of July immediately before to the start of the main conference.

Proposals for satellite events are invited on any theme (biomimetic, biohybrid or both) related to the main conference. Proposals will be reviewed for

  1. relevance to the themes of the conference,
  2. scientific and/or technical quality,
  3.  timeliness and/or novelty, and
  4. our evaluation of the financial risk relating to the event (i.e. costs in relation to expected registrations).

Proposals should be submitted using the included proforma by March 30th, 2020 at the latest. Please submit sooner if possible. Confirmation of accepted proposals will be provided on a case-by-case basis and by mid-April at the latest.

We look forward to receiving your proposal for a LM2020 satellite event.


LM2020 Workshops Chair
Falk J. Esser
Plant Biomechanics Group Freiburg, Botanical Garden University Freiburg


Conference Website
Workshop Website

livMatS Research Group Program

The Cluster of Excellence Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems (livMatS) is issuing international calls for its Agnes Pockels Junior Research Group Program and the livMatS Junior Research Group Program.

The Agnes Pockels Junior Research Group Program targets female researchers within three to five years of their postdoctoral experience. It is an essential building block of the Cluster’s early career advancement and gender equality objectives.

The livMatS Junior Research Group Program targets early career researchers within three to five years of their postdoctoral experience is an essential building block of the Cluster’s early career advancement objectives.

Information on the application process for the respective programs can be found on the Cluster’s website at Agnes Pockels Junior Research Group Program and livMatS Junior Research Group Program. Applications close on March 20th 2020.

W2-Professur @ HS Bremen

Professur – Besoldungsgruppe W 2 – (w/m/d) für das Fachgebiet „Biomechatronik und Robotik“ Kennziffer Fk5-ISB 7

Gesucht wird eine Persönlichkeit, die nach einem Studium der Biomechanik oder Mechatronik (bevorzugt mit Schwerpunkt in der Robotik) und einer mindestens guten Promotion über international anerkannte Kompetenzen auf aktuellen und zukunftsträchtigen Gebieten der Biomechatronik und Robotik biologischer Bewegungssysteme sowie der Bionik im experimentellen Bereich verfügt. Die Professur ist zur Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen und Realisierung von angewandten Forschungsprojekten vorgesehen. >>mehr

Living root bridges @ CNN

The article India’s Meghalaya „living root bridges“ get stronger as the trees grow written by Katie Hunt for CNN presents the scientific research of Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig (TU Munich, Germany) and collegues based on the publication Ludwig, F., Middleton, W., Gallenmüller, F., Rogers, P. & Speck, T. (2019): Living bridges using aerial roots of Ficus elastica – an interdisciplinary perspective. Scientific Reports, 9: 12226. DOI.org/10.1038/s41598-019-48652-w.

Bionic Award Deadline 28.02.2020

The Bionic Award is endowed to support research and development oriented towards practical application and innovation by young scientists in the field of biomimetics. The International Bionic Award is endowed with 5.000 EUR by the Schauenburg-Foundation and will be awarded by VDI – The Association of German Engineers. More information about the application, the conditions for participation and the jury can be found here.

Conference Living Machines

The University of Freiburg and the Cluster of Excellence livMatS will host the international conference Living Machines on biomimetic and biohybrid Systems in Freiburg from 28th to 31st July 2020. Submission deadline: 23rd March 2020. >> Website

The ITECH research demonstrator 2018/19 investigates large-scale compliant architecture inspired by the folding mechanisms of the Coleoptera coccinellidae (Ladybug) wings. >> more

Materialica Gold Award


Materialica Gold Award für die Plant Biomechanics Group

Die Plant Biomechanics Group der Universität Freiburg wurde zusammen mit ihrem langjährigen Industrieprojektpartner E.G.O. Elektro-Gerätebau GmbH für das „Einschubkasten-Modul zur Sensoraufnahme für Waschmaschinen“ mit dem Materialica Gold Award 2019 in der Kategorie „Surface and Technology“ ausgezeichnet.

Bei Waschmaschinen steigen die Anforderungen an Energieeffizienz und Prozessergebnis stetig. Diesen kann man mit Hilfe von unterschiedlichen Sensoren gerecht werden. Im Einschubkasten platziert, verbrauchen sie keine weiteren Ressourcen. Der Fluidstrom wird über eine Abzweigung aus der Trommel eingebracht. Um die Waschlauge optimal zu untersuchen, braucht es aber dort speziell konstruierte beruhigte Zonen. Zum Lösungsansatz führte die Bionik – das Riechorgan des Hammerhais. Der Transfer der Anatomie in ein Einschubkasten-Modul für Waschmaschinen, das beruhigte Strömungszonen zulässt, wurde über mehrere iterative Abstraktionsschritte erreicht. Mit diesen Strömungszonen können verschiedenste Sensoren parallel eingesetzt werden.

Die Preisträger der Plant Biomechanics Group sind Thomas Speck, Georg Bold, Tim Kampowski, Max Langer, Tom Masselter und Marc Thielen.




Materialica Gold Award for the Plant Biomechanics Group

The Plant Biomechanics Group of the University of Freiburg was awarded the Materialica Gold Award 2019 in the category „Surface and Technology“ for their submission „ Detergent drawer with sensor mounting for washing machines“ together with their long-term project partner E.G.O. Elektro-Gerätebau GmbH.

The demands on energy efficiency and process results are increasing, and can be satisfied with the help of different sensors. The chosen location for such sensors was the detergent drawer, because a fluid stream can be introduced from the drum. Biomimetics provided the solution to create areas of low flow rates, as the olfactory organ of the hammerhead shark served as inspiration. The transfer led over several iterative abstraction steps to a technical sensor recording, which allows different sensor types in the fluid flow of the washing liquor. By using the existing water supply and modularity of the concept, a robust and economical unit can be achieved for the most diverse sensor connections up to the optimization of dosing devices.

The awardees of the Plant Biomechanics Group are Thomas Speck, Georg Bold, Tim Kampowski, Max Langer, Tom Masselter and Marc Thielen.



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